Is this another blog of a 30 something female in Australia? Well… yes. However, I make no attempts to produce the witty restaurant critiques and drool worthy photography that other well seasoned food bloggers produce. Rather, this one is about cooking what I love whether its glamorous or not. Mostly chocolate and marshmallows and cakes and all things sweet!
My name is Katie, and I started this blog when I was in a bit of a funk of unemployment. Baking is what I love to do but I felt I needed to be doing something more constructive. I’m not sure if I’ve achieved that but with each new post I sure feel more constructive! The recipes I post are always ones I’ve tried out myself and although they’re mostly cakes and sweets, a few savoury dishes may creep in here and there.
I love all things pink and crazy (and often I’m told, slightly lame). My favourite movie is Rush Hour 2, but the Karate Kid and anything John Hughes has to come in a close second. My taste in music is so widespread as to encompass The Knife, Mick Jagger, David Bowie, and of course, The Backstreet Boys.
My dreams are dipped in fondant and, if life is in fact a box of chocolates, I hope they’re the ones with the gooey pink centres!
I do all the photography myself (and I apologise for that!). I use an old iphone5 and I cant for the life of me figure out how to make the lighting right for good pictures. Looking back at my photos, I’m sure that lighting isn’t my only problem! Until I learn some more tricks of the trade, please forgive me!
Any products that I review on this blog have been purchased and paid for by myself. If I am reviewing anything that has been provided for me it will be stated clearly at the beginning of the post. I believe in credit where credit is due!