I really love my life. When it comes to the crunch, despite all the whinging I do, there is very very little I would ever change. Each year I try to make things a little bit better and try to sort out my emerging life as a proper adult. Along the way I have had to have some realisations about my inherent nature. These are things that will probably not change but probably should…
Realisation #1
I’m a total homebody
I’ll never be a glamazon-too-cool-for-school-party-animal. I really just like wearing pyjamas, drinking tea and generally lounging around the apartment in various states of undress. And I love masseur sandals. When my fiance confessed that he really wanted some for christmas, I heaved a sigh of relief because i’ve always wanted some too! Possibly less attractive than crocs, these shoes are the comfiest shoes i’ve ever had and they’re the best thing to slip into after a long long day.
Realisation #2
And sweets and everything. I will never quit sugar. Sorry guys. While I’m definitely eating much more healthy food at the moment, there is still plenty of room in my day for eating cake. And clearly, seeing the picture above, lounging around. Hence Realisation #1. Lying at home, eating cake = the life.
Realisation #3
Alcoholic Hot Chocolate and Montes is
often sometimes my dinner
Sometimes when work has been too draining and I cant even be bothered with the mac and cheese, this is my go-to dinner. I believe many of the food groups are represented – the milk food group, the carbs food group, the alcohol food group and the chocolate food group. And some nuts. Kinda. Sorta. Maybe. I guess the redeeming feature of this dish is the deep sense of calmness and satisfaction that it leaves me with.
Realisation #4
This is my desk at work. And the space that used to house a filing cabinet and now files just general crap that doesn’t fit on my desk anymore. There may even be a student buried under all that stuff. I sure hope not! My messiness was always a source of tension between me and other members of my family. I just don’t have the discipline to always put things back where they belong. Everything tends to belong on the floor or nearest flat surface.
So what has been the purpose of this post? I think that part of growing up is realising your short comings and working on ways to improve them. These are things that i’ve not yet managed to fix and I think will always be a part of my personality. This year though, I will work around them. While I would like to be a little tidier, a tiny bit more social and a smidge healthier, I still love my life!
I came across your blog whilst searching for a Quince Cake recipe. I really like this post. With Maturity comes the ability to accept ourselves for who we are and not apologising for it.
Thanks Anna! Did you end up making your Quince Cake?