My mum is an avid gardener. I think that not only her thumbs, but all her fingers are green. I never thought i’d inherited that gene from her until hubs and I moved into our home and I saw the potential of our lovely large balcony. While it faces west which, in Australia is not ideal due to the super harsh afternoon sun, I felt compelled to fill this space with green. I vowed that this year, I was going to learn how to garden. So this will be a little series of posts that document my growing balcony garden with triumphs and the (hopefully not too many) failures.
Step 1 was to go to bunnings and buy a bunch of tiny terracotta pots to fill with seedlings of Violas, Lettuce and a large pot for a Mint bush. You might remember my utter joy at planting this mint from my post about mojitos from the end of summer. I also bought a big bag of potting mix, some cute pink gardening gloves and a cheap plastic trowel.
I knocked the mint bush out of its plastic pot and teased out the roots a little.
Then I half filled the terracotta pot with potting mix, placed the plant in and filled all around it almost to the top of the pot. Look at how green and leafy that baby is! Mojitos all round I think.
The beauty of this plant is that it was ready to harvest right away. Hooray!
Apparantly mint is super hard to kill so hopefully this one will be a success story. Baby steps I think. I mean, I have already killed the lettuce seedlings that you saw in the top picture. Well, I over watered them and they bolted to I let them die. Maybe I can chalk that up as half a win?
So this is a new and exciting adventure and I have a new more successes to update you with soon. Do you have a balcony garden or, even better, a real real garden? If so, what are you growing and do you have any advice for me? Please share!
Or, if you’re not that into gardening, what should I do with all this mint I have now??