Hello Sunshine: Gluten Free Lemon Cake

Oh baby. I had a slice of delicious lemon drizzle cake from Flour and Stone ages ago and became so obsessed with making it at home that I must have gone through half a dozen recipes before I got to one that I was happy with. Its like sunshine in a cake. This is not at all a recreation but just a damn good lemon cake which I think should be a staple in any baker’s repertoire. I mean, look at it…

A True Love of Mine: Gluten Free Lemon Cake

Delicious, moist cake with a super tangy, sugary icing. As if your mouth isn’t watering just thinking about making this. P.s. like how arty I am now? With that little lemon in the shot as well as the cake? Yeah, im a real pro.

Ive re-discovered the Nigella Lawson cookbook How To Be A Domestic Goddess and have a few more recipes coming from her in blog posts to come. And yes, they will come. Now that i’m on holidays and have finished a super stressful (but very rewarding) year, I have lots of time for blogging. Fourth post this month peeps! Yeah!

A True Love of Mine: Gluten Free Lemon Cake

The original recipe just uses normal flour but its such a small percentage of the whole thing that I swapped it with gluten free flour. That way I could make it for my friend’s birthday. I’m still a little wary of the ability of gluten free flour to properly emulate non-gf flour so i’m not quite game to use it in large quantities say for cookie dough or the like. Baby steps for me.

A True Love of Mine: Gluten Free Lemon Cake

As you can see, the cake is super dense so not for the faint of heart. But, for all its density it is wonderfully moist and the tangy icing sets it off beautifully. The best thing about this is that you can adjust the lemon flavour to your liking just by tweaking how much zest and juice you add. Although, I tend to think the more lemon the better. But hey, do what you like! I’m so glad that I re-discovered this baby as there had definitely been a bit of a citrus drought in the old Casa KB and this cake set us back in balance. And a slice counts as a serve of fruit doesn’t it?

So my lovelies, what old favourite have you re-discovered recently?


Hello Sunshine Lemon Cake (adapted from Nigella Lawson’s Damp Lemon and Almond Cake)

Cake Ingredients

225g soft unsalted butter

225g caster sugar

4 eggs

50g plain gluten free flour

225g ground almonds

zest and juice of 2 lemons

Lemon Icing Ingredients

2 cups icing sugar

1 scant tbsp warm water

lemon juice to taste

Cake Method

1. Cream butter and sugar until super super pale

2. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, adding a quarter of the flour after each addition

3. When everything is incorporated, gently stir in the ground almonds and lemon zest and juice

4. Pour mixture into a 20cm round cake tin and bake for roughly an hour at 180 degrees celsius (check after about 40 mins and if the cake is browning too quickly, cover with alfoil)

5. Boom! Moist and delicious cake. Ready for icing when its cooled.

Icing Method

1. Sift icing sugar into a bowl

2. Stir in lemon juice

3. Add the water in small additions until icing had reached desired consistency. You want it thick and lava-like rather than runny. That way it will coat the top of the cake but give you a nice thick layer of zingy icing.

4. Enjoy!