So this week I go back to work after two weeks of catching up on sleep and relaxing and baking. While I definitely love my job, i’m not looking forward to all the exam marking and report writing that Term 4 entails. I’ve decided that the best way to cope with the shock of being back at work is to remember a better time. And what better time than the epic European holiday that hubs and I took way back in July? I will be spending the next few weeks serving up posts about the amazing things we ate and places we saw. They will be pretty photo heavy but I think that my photography skills are improving so hopefully there are a few winners in there!
One thing that really struck me about Berlin was the incredible architecture. I am a huge huge fan of the University of Sydney but how epic is Humboldt University? Imagine having a giant marble statue of the founder watching you as you walked in the gates to go to class each day? Im sure everyone would be hitting HDs for days with his stony gaze searching you. In all seriousness, this university was stunning.
I also loved these huge weird pipes that criss crossed the city. There were big pink ones near our hotel and I just figured that they were to do with the building work that seemed to be happening throughout Berlin. I was wrong! Apparently the city was built on an enormous swamp and these pipes are used to pump out the gas that the swamp creates so they are actually structurally integral to the maintenance of the city. Cray cray! But so cool.
Another super cool thing was finding this underground laserzone right around the corner from our hotel. It was literally a hole in the pavement leading down to goodness knows where!
After seeing all the architectural and historical sites of Berlin while on a huge walking tour, we decided to take a look at the suburbs. At the risk of sounding vacuous, I will admit that I love old department stores. I love the way they seem to retain a little bit of old world charm. The KaDeWe department store is over a hundred years old and has the same heavy but impressive architectural style that you see all over the city. The inside is suitably luxurious but I was silly and took no photos! Boo!
I enjoyed the architecture in Berlin but it did get a little too bleak for my taste. It didn’t help that the weather was pretty gloomy and overcast the whole time we were there (in the middle of Summer). So I didn’t actually end up taking many pics of the sights but, really, there are much much better photos out there for you to see. Next up though is a post about the delicious things that we ate in Berlin! Much more in keeping with the whole ‘food blog theme’.
On another note my lovelies, how are you all coping with this crazy heat??? Tell me your secrets!