Chocolate Sundae Cupcakes With A Cherry On Top!

Chocolate Sundae Cupcakes

I’ve been busy. But not the bad kind of busy where I forget about you all! If you’re following me on instagram (follow me @bakerbowie) you might have noticed a sharp increase in my baking productivity with far more photos of things i’ve made myself than things i’ve bought from fancy places. The truth is, I really love baking. I find it soothing and it feels as though everything is right in my little world when I have something delicious in the oven. Since I realised that baking has this effect on me i’ve been deliberately making more time to experiment in the kitchen and try to get a bit more creative. So I decided to try making a cake that wasn’t a cake – or at least a cake that didn’t look like it was a cake!

Double Choc Chip Cookie Icecream Sandwiches


Double Choc Chip Cookie Icecream Sandwiches

Double choc chip cookie icecream sandwiches. Try saying that ten times quickly. With a mouth full of these delicious desserts. Impossible I tell you! But don’t worry, while you wont win any tongue twister awards, you will be left with a belly full of creamy icecream and ooey gooey cookie. Tell me that doesn’t warm your little heart on this cold Friday evening.

While I have definitely been trying to make healthier choices with my meals, I do still subscribe to the Tom Haverford school of philosophy that, sometimes, you just need to

treat-to-self-2Thats right peeps, these icecream sandwiches are the sweets that you make when you need to show yourself a little love.

Embracing the Italian Life: Amaretto Caramel Panettone Pudding

This pudding is a great way to use up any leftover panettone

One of the best things about being married is gaining more family. My family has always been very small and for most of my life, that was the way I liked it. But hubs has always had quite a big family that is super warm and welcoming. A bonus is that his family on his dad’s side come from Italy so i’ve gained more family and some culture! Win!

Quince Spelt Cake – Be still, my heart

A True Love of Mine: Quince Spelt Cake


And its chilly again. Not that I mind really! I love Summer as much as the next girl but there is a certain loveliness that comes with fresh morning air, snuggly cardigans and berets. Not to mention being able to have the oven on without dissolving into a puddle of sweat as the ambient temperature is almost equal to the oven temperature.