Messina Milk Bar at the Spectrum Now Festival

A True Love of Mine: Messina Milk Bar

I hate waiting in lines. Most often if I turn up somewhere and there is a big line I just turn around and go somewhere else, even if it’s something i’ve been waiting to try. So when it was cold and rainy on Friday afternoon, I figured that it would be the perfect time to take a wander around the Spectrum Now festival currently set up in the Domain. I had had my heart set on sampling some of the nostalgic ice cream chocolate bars at the Messina Milk Bar since seeing them on instagram earlier this week. With ominously dark clouds overhead our quest was rewarded with a mostly empty Domain and no lines at any of the food stalls.

Friday Favourites: The Milo Thickshake That Will Change Your Life

You know that feeling where you’re so tired you actually feel a little bit drunk? Thats how hubs and I were feeling a month and a half ago when we first moved into our new place. This was our first big move together and the first time that I truly regretted being such a damn hoarder. I had no idea that I had accumulated so much in the two years since my last move.


You know you’re obsessed with food when the first boxes that you move are filled with baking equipment…

Afternoon Tea at the Park Hyatt

A True Love of Mine: High Tea at the Hyatt

 I’m pretty sure that there can be no arguments that high tea really is the best.

If you find yourself disagreeing with me, I refer you to the picture above. When else can you gorge on scones with lashings of jam and cream followed by petite desserts and artfully constructed finger sandwiches. When else can you pretend to really be from high society and sip fragrant tea with your pinkie in the air? Ok, so I don’t quite do that but I do love a good cup of tea. And scones. And cakes. And (some) sandwiches. So in January this year, to mark the end of the holidays, mum and I went to sample the afternoon tea of the Sydney Park Hyatt.

Cranky Fins Holidae Inn – Palm Beach

A True Love of Mine: Cranky Fins Holidae Inn Review

For me, this summer has been the Summer of Seafood. I think it actually started last summer when I got quite ill on a road trip and, against all logical thought, all I craved was fat juicy prawns. I dreamed of cracking their thin shell and peeling out the soft white flesh, dipping it in a tangy sauce and gobbling them up. All year, I have been thinking about summer and prawns. Somehow I made it all the way through Christmas and new year without indulging. My family has never done a seafood christmas (a tradition i’m keen to adopt in the future though!) so it wasn’t until the first few weeks of January that I was able to start thinking about when I would be able to get my hands on these little suckers.

A True Love of Mine: Cranky Fins Holidae Inn Review

I had already planned to go up to Palm Beach for a swim sometime and serendipitously hubs saw a photo on facebook that showed a huge bucket of prawns at a restaurant at Palm Beach. The website and facebook page were sufficiently fun and quirky to warrant a lunch trip to Cranky Fins Holidae Inn. I always plan to go to the beach in the morning as the afternoon summer sun in Australia is so damn strong that I always get burnt no matter how much sunscreen I put on. There is also the added bonus that the beaches always seem less crowded before lunch so its easy to park and there are fewer people in the water which makes frolicking so much more fun! Hubs and I arrived around 11 which gave us enough time for a relaxing swim and a little bit of sunbaking before lunch. Crankys opens at noon so after our swim and sun we sauntered over around and snagged a booth inside.