Firstly, before you read any further , I want to wish you happy easter and offer you a cupcake
Now, on to business. Ever since I was a little girl i’ve always been a fan of movies that contain singing and dancing. I’m sure it all started with Disney and the Disney Princesses who I have, of course, still watch outgrown. Ok, i’ve never been a good liar, I will happily sit down to a marathon of The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan, Mulan and Beauty and the Beast. But what girl wouldn’t?
However, for the sake of my job (in answer to the ever popular question from teenagers “miss, what’s your favourite movie?”) I have had to come up with some more adult sounding favourite movies.
1. Rush Hour
2. Any of the following: Grease, The Wizard of Oz, The Holiday Inn, The Easter Parade, Moulin Rouge, any kind of musical (i’m always living in hope that they will make Wicked the movie)
Thankfully, many musical movies end up being tied to a particular holiday. Exhibit A:
After all, what is a holiday without Fred Astaire? The addition of Judy Garland only elevates this movie from amazing to absolutely amazing! And so, every year when Easter rolls around, you will find me humming the tune to the Easter Parade. Humming because the only lines I can ever remember when singing it are
“here’s a hat that is trimmed with lace – happy easter”
“happy easter to you”
I clearly have a very short attention span.
Thankfully, one thing that can keep me focussed is baking, while watching The Easter Parade of course! So what did I bake for easter? Well, firstly I made some pretty little Easter Cucpakes
Here they are baking in the oven. Lookin’ pretty cute!
And here they are all iced with chocolate eggs.
The yellow and white ones are vanilla, the pink ones are musk and the blue ones are violet. Who says I can’t diversify?
For the cake and icing I used this Magnolia Bakery recipe which is always a winner. I also added a few drops of flavouring to each icing mixture t make them all different.
But something was still lacking. There had been a little idea for a big easter cake growing in my mind over the past few weeks. The cake version of the easter bunny basket. I used the same recipe as for the cupcakes above and it made two good sized cakes that could be cut in half to make four layers.
This was my first attempt at basket weave and I have to say I’m pretty pleased with the results. A little wonky but nothing some more practice wont fix.
And a better shot of the easter bunnies and eggs with better lighting and a better camera!
And the vanilla-y chocolatey innards!
It’s not really wonky, I carved the sides a little so that it would look more slopey like a real basket would. Ho hum.
So, all in all, it was a pretty happy, delicious and relaxing easter. How was your easter my lovelies? Did the easter bunny visit?