Break in Transmission – Moving Sucks

So I had been going great guns with my resolution to properly commit to my blog in 2015. Until moving day arrived. After the wedding, hubs moved in with me and my roomie until we could find a place of our own. After a couple of months, we signed a lease for a sweet little art deco apartment and eagerly awaited the day we would move into our first marital home. As per usual, the whole move was (for me at least) a case of ‘out of sight out of mind’ and I didn’t really think too much about it. Until last weekend, when moving day came.


Suddenly, I wanted nothing more than to just crawl back between the sheets and hide from the world. If only I could remember what box I had put the clean sheets in. The idea of striking out on our own suddenly seemed overwhelming and far too grown up for us to be undertaking. Everything everyone says about moving being horrible is absolutely true, but, a week later and with most of my stuff finally in our new apartment, its starting to feel pretty damn good.


So long Casa KB, welcome to Casa Salerno!

Sorry for the break in transmission but I promise I will be back to my usual blogging shortly.

How did you guys cope with moving? Or, like me, did you not cope? Surely i’m not to the only one!