Friday Favourites: The Milo Thickshake That Will Change Your Life

You know that feeling where you’re so tired you actually feel a little bit drunk? Thats how hubs and I were feeling a month and a half ago when we first moved into our new place. This was our first big move together and the first time that I truly regretted being such a damn hoarder. I had no idea that I had accumulated so much in the two years since my last move.


You know you’re obsessed with food when the first boxes that you move are filled with baking equipment…

Friday Favourites: All that glitters…

glitter quote

I think that Friday is the day of glitter. Its the last day of the working week so its full of excitement for the weekend which shimmers, just out of reach and its also the most exhausting day of the week because you’ve just slogged through the previous four days. Both very good reasons to wear glitter. A sign of bubbling excitement for the weekend and a flash of joy to get you through that very last day. And really, who doesn’t get a kick out of glitter? If you’re sitting there, shaking your head thinking “no Katie, glitter is for fools” then I think you’re reading the wrong blog. So, without further ado, here is a Favourites post about something that always cheers me up – these fab little gold glitter brogues.

A True Love of Mine: Gold Glitter Brogues



Who could be sad while wearing these babies?

Exactly. No one.

I bought these about a month ago in Target while I was looking in the kids section. Kids shoes to be more precise. I have ridiculously tiny feet which is mostly a blessing because it means that I can sometimes pick up some bargains in the kids section. These shoes are often a bit cheaper and cuter than adults shoes. I take a size 36 European or a 5 1/2 in Australian sizes (or 3 in UK!) which is fun to say and see people’s reactions.

A True Love of Mine: Gold Glitter Brogues

Imagine my excitement when I rifled through the rack and not only found a size large enough for me but found that these (already reasonably priced) shoes were reduced from $25 to $10! All I needed to do was replace the ugly beige laces with these sweet black ribbons and voila! Sparkle brogues for friday.


So how do you lovelies feel about glitter? Fridays?


Friday Favourites: Haigh’s Violet Creams

A True Love of Mine: Haigh's Violet Creams

It’s been a tough couple of weeks and tonight I really feel like a little indulgence. So, as I lie on the couch writing this blog post i’m indulging in a couple of the delicious chocolates that this post is dedicated to. Haigh’s Violet Cream chocolates are my absolute favourite chocolates of all time.

Belated Friday Favourites – Quirky Pins

So I know its not actually Friday but I have a super good reason for not being able to post anything yesterday. I was away on camp this week and spent all last night in a dark room trying not to move on account of my all over muscle ache and roaring headache. Staring at a bright, back lit screen was the last thing my body was able to do. Clearly i’m getting too old for this! (quickly though, I freaking love Year 7 camp. The kids are so eager and friendly and we do some sweet activities – surfing anyone?)

Today is a quick favourites post to get me back in the loop. Also I have a sweet cupcake recipe coming up next week so if you’ve been hanging out for a new recipe, you’re in luck! But today its all about accessorising in my favourite way – quirky pins.

A True Love of Mine: Fashion - Quirky Pins

I love wearing pins like this sweet little jewelled bumble bee on the collar of my shirt or the lapel of my blazer. I think it gives my outfit a little quirky kick and makes it interesting for any students i’m boring as I chalk and talk in the classroom. I imagine a little brain here and there dozing off into day dream going something like this – blah blah blah Shakespeare blah blah beware my lord of jealousy blah blah wait. Bumblebee?? Then clearly they will be so intrigued they’ll be listening to what i’m saying. Right? Right? Maybe.

A True Love of Mine: Fashion - Quirky Pins

At the very least, it can be a subversive way of working around a restrictive dress code. Although, I must say that while the pin above is a favourite of mine, I don’t think i’d get away wearing this one at work! I’ve built up a whole trove of these babies over the years and now im making it my business to bust them out left right and centre. After all, whats the point of having nice things if you don’t use them? A resolution of mine this year is to stop letting things like these collect dust but use them as much as I can.

So how do you lovelies like to accessorise? Or what would you do if you could be bothered? Lets face it, sometimes just rolling out of bed and putting anything on is such a challenge on a Monday morning…